Who You Are and Why Readers Care – Your Guide to Author Brand (Writers Series #1)

This is the first in a series of posts to provide perspective on the business of writing, leveraging a marketing professional’s…

6 years ago

Applying Professional Design Principles to Book Cover Design (Writers Series #2)

This is the second in a series of posts to provide perspective on the business of writing, leveraging a marketing professional’s…

6 years ago

Five Ways to Assess Your Book Cover Design (Writers Series #3)

This is the third in a series of posts to provide perspective on the business of writing, leveraging a marketing professional’s…

6 years ago

Hiring a Freelance Editor (Writers Series #4)

This is the fourth in a series of posts to provide perspective on the business of writing, leveraging a marketing…

6 years ago

5 Strategies to Get the Most From a Writers Conference (Writers Series #5)

This is the fifth in a series of posts to provide perspective on the business of writing, leveraging a marketing…

6 years ago

Book Marketing: Resources for Author Branding

Simon Sinek explains why the strongest brands start with the "why" they exist, before the what or how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Tw0PGcyN0 If…

6 years ago

Be Well, Write Well: Interview with Carol Van Den Hende

Welcome back to our “Be Well, Write Well” interview series! This month, I interviewed Carol Van Den Hende, whom I…

6 years ago

Design as Art: 5 Principles of Book Cover Design

Hello writer friends, In case you missed Writers’ Digest annual conference, I’m thrilled to share a summary of one of…

6 years ago

Generational insights: writing Millennial characters

Hello writer friends, I just returned from Writers’ Digest annual conference. It’s one of my favorite events, and holds a…

6 years ago

Book Marketing: the Power of Personalization

As a professional marketer, I'm immune to most gimmicky marketing campaigns. So, how did Shutterfly's email (below) pause my normal…

6 years ago